August 13, 2020

shortcut to uppercase and lowercase in Oracle SQL Developer

Problem: I need a shortcut to convert text or script in lowercase and uppercase in Oracle SQL Developer.

Go to SQL Developer -> Tools -> Preferences -> Shortcut Keys

On the above path, you will find your shortcut commands or you can define for converting text to uppercase or lowercase. Please see the screenshot below for the reference.

August 10, 2020

Exclude specific files, folders, directories and sub-directories from validation in eclipse STS

Problem: When I build my maven project, I have one XML file in my project that starts validation but it remains under the validation process. So I want to exclude it from validation.

Go to Eclipse/STS -> Window -> Preference -> Validation 
Click on the red marked button to go to a particular setting. The below window will pop up.

Click on "Exclude Group" and then click "Add Rule..."

After click on "Add Rule..." below the window of "New Filter Rule Wizard" will pop up.
Select "Folder or file name" from the below options and then click on the Next button.

After Click on Next below window will be shown. Browse folder or file you want to exclude and click Finish.

Apply the above changes. I hope this information will be helpful.


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